_______________________________________________________________________________________ NEWS _______________________________________________________________________________________ June 10, 2018 Our chairman Dr. Stefan Bayer is currently in Ghana to advance the development of our AfreakMED-Clinik. Good Luck! >>> Gallery <<< _______________________________________________________________________________________ May 18, 2018 Massive Thunderstorm & Fast Rebuildings 2018 _______________________________________________________________________________________ February 26, 2018 Numerous Eye-Surgeries at AfreakMED-Clinic in Cooperation with the Swiss Red Cross >>> Gallery <<< _______________________________________________________________________________________ December 12, 2017 _______________________________________________________________________________________ September 13, 2017 ~ Good News ~ _______________________________________________________________________________________ November 2, 2015 Impressiones of the very successful benefit-evening in Pöndorf/OÖ _______________________________________________________________________________________ September 30, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT: Benefit-evening, 30.10. in Pöndorf/OÖ _______________________________________________________________________________________ June 12, 2015 Child Care Afrika reports about the positiv AfreakMED - progress _______________________________________________________________________________________ June 8, 2015 AfreakMED @ Austrian Parliament 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 22, 2015 AfreakMED-Ghanatrip | April 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 8, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ March 30, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ February 18, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 16, 2015 AfreakMED was invited to Grazer "Klex" and Radio "Igel". _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 7, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ July 29, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________ June 23, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________ February 15, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________ July 30, 2013 KLEINE ZEITUNG about AfreakMED _______________________________________________________________________________________ July 25, 2013 AfreakMED - Annual Report by our Country Director Louis Yerry Kpangkpari _______________________________________________________________________________________ July 2, 2013 Tax-Benefit for AfreakMED-Donations _______________________________________________________________________________________ June 12, 2013 AfreakMED-Clinic has POWER! See actual Pictures! _______________________________________________________________________________________ February 14, 2013 Read an actual report by our partner Louis Kpangkpari in Ghana. _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 28, 2013 Read an actual online-Article about AfreakMED by the Ghana News Agency. _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 27, 2013 Read a report from two AfreakMED-members about their time and experience in Ghana. _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 21, 2013 Read an actual letter from Dr. Gerhard Bayer. _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 19, 2013 Read a recent letter from our partner Dr. Steve Kpangpari in Ghana. _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 4, 2013 INVITATION TO THE AfreakMED-LECTURE in PÖNDORF >>> On Saturday the 19.01.2013 at 14.00 there will be a lecture held in the elementary school Pöndorf by Sonja Goettle, Doris Priedler, Anton Pillichshammer and Dr. Gerhard Bayer about their time and experiences in Ghana. Looking forward seeing you there! The Afreak´s. _______________________________________________________________________________________ November 2, 2012 from Ghana _______________________________________________________________________________________ October 11, 2012 On Sunday 14.10. our chairman will run with a team the GRAZ - HALFMARATHON for AfreakMED. You will recognise them by their AfreakMED-Trikots sponsored by Intersport Eybl. _______________________________________________________________________________________ October 9, 2012 SAVE THE DATE : 26.10.2012 BENEFIZ @ POSTGARAGE GRAZ _______________________________________________________________________________________ October 9, 2012 Travelreport by Dr. Gerhard Bayer _______________________________________________________________________________________ October 8, 2012 Our AfreakMED-Container with medical hardware+ arrived in Tolon ! Best Thanks to the AfreakMED Delegates Dr. Gerhard Bayer & Schneider Toni ! Latest Pictures in the Gallery _______________________________________________________________________________________ August 7, 2012 Our AfreakMED-Container with medical Hardware+ is on its way to the medical-station in Ghana and the government let it import taxfree. _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 4, 2012 WIENERIN - AfreakMED-Article (.pdf) _______________________________________________________________________________________ March 12, 2012 A f r e a k M E D - C l i n i c local inspection Ghana / March 2012 _______________________________________________________________________________________ September 13, 2011 A f r e a k M E D - Annual General Meeting 2011 September 16 / 7pm / Hotel Lokomotive / Linz ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2011 - PROTOKOL _______________________________________________________________________________________ August 19, 2011 A f r e a k M E D applies for the ÄSKULAP 2011 by OÖN fingers crossed ;) _______________________________________________________________________________________ July 15, 2011 An dem von den Pöndorfer Senioren organisierten Vortragsnachmittag wurden erfreulicherweise € 1800,- für den weiteren Ausbau der AfreakMED - Klinik gespendet. Bei einer Jause sowie Kaffee und Kuchen präsentierte der Obmann Dr. Stefan Bayer den derzeitigen Stand der Bauarbeiten verpackt in eine abenteuerliche Afrikareise, die er 2005 selbst unternahm. Im Moment werden Elektro- und Sanitärinstallationen vorgenommen, Fenster und Türen sind in Arbeit. Mit besten Grüßen. _______________________________________________________________________________________ May 10, 2011 AfreakMED on _______________________________________________________________________________________ May 8, 2011 AfreakMED - Team visited their hospital station in Ghana again. See pictures and a video of the trip! _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 28, 2011 AfreakMED - LECTURE in Pöndorf / Upper Austria _______________________________________________________________________________________ January 17, 2011 Two NEW AfreakMED-Articles in Austrian Media _______________________________________________________________________________________ Summer 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________ AfreakMED POLO Shirt small / medium / large / men / women /// € 25,- / Piece (exclusive Porto) O r d e r_:_ i n f o @ a f r e a k m e d . o r g _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 25, 2010 Dear members! We are very happy to inform you that the construction of our small hospital station is now in process. The bricks are modeled on site in forms, are turned upside down and dried in the sun. In addition we are using a mixture of cement and loam, instead of loam alone. This mixture makes a stronger brick compared to traditional made loam bricks which don’t withstand the rainy seasons that well over the years. The development site is cleared, the foundation is poured. Up to now we have been able to form 6000 bricks, the building shell should stand during the next weeks. As already mentioned we are trying to use as many local resources as possible, so that the population can strenghten its esteem and to become part of the project. Furthermore we would like to point out that you can follow our project on our homepage. There you will find pictures and written updates. The pictures lag behind sometimes, because of the slow Internet connection in Tolon. Another very gratifying occasion is the hand over of another € 10.000,- of the Kiwanis - Club Upper Austria. This is going to take place on the 14.May in the music school of Vöcklabruck within the scope of a concert. Sending you sunny greetings, your Afreakmed - Team. _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 1, 2010 In the past week was Louis Kpangpari, Dr. Steve Kpangpari´s younger brother and close coworker of AfreakMED, in Tolon, the region where our hospital ward is being developed. He was pleased to give us a positive report: * The property was cleared (except trees for shade which was important to us) * The Chief of the region offered our association an appartment in Tolon where helpers and Louis will be able to live. This appartment is equipped with sanitary facilities and kitchen. *Louis Kpangpari will locally manage and oversee the building of the hospital ward, to help us keep an overview. * It was agreed with the Chief that as many local resources should be used as possible, skilled manual workers of the local population and also the necessary materials. In that case bricks are e.g. poured locally in forms and hardened in the sun. This helps us save costs. Just a short request: We urgently need a functioning laptop for Louis, for the documentation at the building site. Ideally would also be a digital camera and used unblocked SIM mobile phones. If one of you should have such devices, wich aren’t needed anymore, we would be very thankful to receive them. _______________________________________________________________________________________ March 10, 2010 The time has come! We are beginning with the build up of "module1" of our hospital ward in Ghana (see construction plan in our picture gallery). Module1 means that we already have the building plans for a small "hospital", which could be developed very soon depending on the financial situation. At the moment, Module1 consists of 2 surgeries, 1 small laboratory, 1 inhouse-chemist, 1 administration room, 1 waiting room, 1 storage room as well as the necessary sanitary facilities. In addition we would like to have 2 smaller sickrooms for more complicated cases. Further a small waste incineration plant is needed because of bad functioning garbage disposal systems in Africa. All the above-mentioned points should be feasible with our present budget (about € 30.000,-). We are a bit behind schedule because of unexpected difficulties with our 1st architect, who supplied us with a complete different building plan than agreed. This Faux Pas caused however no costs. Well, things are done a little different in Africa compared to us. Financially we can look back on a very successful last year. Beside the numerous donors were also great sponsors such as "Kiwanis Club", the "Zaglinger Pfeiffenclubbühne", the "Frankenmarkter Bäuerinnen", which greatly improved our budget. A cordial “THANK YOU” to all, which have contributed so far to make our project work! _______________________________________________________________________________________ March 7, 2010 new Homepage online _______________________________________________________________________________________ Home / News / Our Philosophy / Your Help / Gallery / Contact & Downloads / Supporters / Media & Finances